Welcome to New Lifeline Multi Speciality Hospital

Phone :

+91 8885568190

Opening hours

Mon - Sun : 09:00 - 18:00

Discharge Guide

Discharge Process:

Post your treatment or surgical procedure, you will be in recovery for a few days as advised by your doctor. When he is satisfied by your progress, your doctor will advise you for discharge. The discharge process will be carried out in the following steps:

  • Upon the doctor’s direction, the Duty Medical Officer will prepare your discharge summary which is reviewed and signed by the concerned doctor.
  • After medication reconciliation, the nurse returns any extra medication to the Pharmacy.
  • All your documents like radiology reports, lab reports and ECG reports are accumulated by the Floor Executive, and the final bill is generated.
  • In case you are covered by insurance, the bill and a copy of your discharge summary will be sent to the insurance company. If the bill amount is equal to the approved insurance amount, the bill is settled. Else, you will be required to pay the difference in amount to settle the bill.
  • Your attendant will receive a Receipt of Bill Paid along with two copies of gate pass. One copy of the gate pass is to be handed over at the Nurse Station, where you will receive your discharge summary along with crucial information about your medication and post-discharge care.
  • At the exit gate, you will be required to handover the second copy of the gate pass to the security personnel.

Discharge Guidelines:

  • Ensure you have all the items you brought with you while admission. We are not responsible for any items forgotten or left back in the hospital.
  • Cross check all your documents before leaving the hospital.
  • If you are covered under insurance, your bill will need 2-4 hours processing time.

The first follow up check is complementary, we encourage you to regularly visit your doctor as required to ensure your recovery is on the right track.